The 90 Day Forgotten 23 Hours Hybrid Challenge Is Just About To Kick Off...

Drop 2+ jean sizes, Ditch The Yo-Yo Diet Lifestyle, And Ooze In Confidence Within 90 Days, Feeling Your BESTEST In Time For Summer ☀️
(without having to give up your favourite foods and alcohol)
Secure Your Space Now With £100 OFF Before The Public Launch For Any Remaining Spaces...
It's Results Or Your Money Back... (And since we've never had a refund request - get ready for some serious results)
THIS 90 Day Challenge Is For You IF...
  • You refuse to feel uncomfortable in your summer clothes this year...
  • You want to lose a jean size and feel amazing on the beach, at summer BBQ's and garden parties...
  • You want to finally feel body confident and learn how to stay that way without having to sacrifice your favourite foods and drinks (including vino)
Meet your new coach for the next 90 days...
Sylvester Sweeney
...who helps women over 30 feel strong physically and mentally in 90 days or less...
After working with 1000's of people over the past 8 years I can tell you that what most women who come us is to make this the last diet they ever do...

...but they do this whilst still:

✅ Eating foods like chocolate, crisps and biscuits...

✅ Drinking like a fish (joking - but a few vinos included...)

✅ Having the lifestyle flexibility they have right now

...and they don't want to:

❌ eat rabbit food or tasteless meals

❌ eat differently to the rest of the family

❌ have to do brutal workouts every day

Imagine you never have to 'start again on Monday' in just 90 days but everything above was built in to your plan (which is custom built with you and you only in mind...)

That's why we've created the 90 Day Plan for the just seven driven women, ready for extreme change without extreme measures.

Ready for the change? The time is now.
It's Results Or Your Money Back... (And since we've never had a refund request - get ready for some serious results)
And there's more...
Over the next 90 days you will...
  • Receive a a tailored nutrition and exercise plan that fits with YOUR lifestyle so that you can stick to it with ease and dare we say... enjoy it (yup - our clients LOVE their plans - it's what makes weight loss easy...) This means you'll get great results WITHOUT having to eliminate your favourite foods and drinks...
  • Have access to our very own Vision and mindset expert Kim.
  • Access weekly touch points with the coaches, education Q&A's for maximum support and accountability!
  • Get monthly PERSONALISED check-ins with your coach ensuring you achieve maximum results over the 90 days!
  • ​Access to the X coaching App meaning that you have everything you need to succeed in your pocket!
  • Access to years of Recipe Guides wit scannable barcodes for tracking giving you lots of delicious healthy, family friendly recipes that are updated EVERY month for additional inspo if you need it!
  • Support, guidance and accountability within a thriving online community full of like-minded women!
...OR you'll deem £3.80 per day for 90 days of close coaching and education not worth the return in investing in your own health, fitness and happiness....
It's Results Or Your Money Back... (And since we've never had a refund request - get ready for some serious results)
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